STOKYO Record Mate Portable Turntable + Mixer
The story goes back around 22 years ago when the good folks at Xexxn would allow me to distribute these on the low for diggers and DJs overseas.
A few years later (STOKYO and friends) did have the opportunity to take over manufacturing but ironically I was also at Vestax and at the time we had the Handy Trax.
Fast forward to 2019, this project took over 2 years but with the help of some original engineers, our manufacturing partner and the love we all shared for the original GP/GMX we bring you the all improved version.
The RM-1 and RMX -1 “RECORD MATE” series is the overseas edition. (GP-3R/GMX-3R are the JPN domestic model)
Updated molds, internal board, parts, new speakers, new case/tonearm construction, magnetic stereo cartridge (like you’ll find on an AT-LP60), but everything else like the OG. The first model will be exclusive for the Americas (@ 120v).
As we continue to improve more parts to clear Global compliances, we also await for more parts with supply issues due to the Pandemic for our Global/EU model we aim to make available later in ‘22.
For those who pre-ordered, we originally aimed for an earlier ship date and our sincere apologies with all the port congestion but good news, it is on stateside awaiting customs. Arriving soon.
Thank you for the patience.
(Pictured is the RMX (mixer), production is very rare 😉)
Big up to the crew for making this happen, grinding everyday and for your love we have for vinyl.
Yo Biz, I know you smiling right now!
Stay safe and Keep Diggin’
Thank you all for your support.
Chuck Ono